
PACH runs on small recurring donations from people like you. We can’t do this without your help! Please contribute one time or monthly!

PACH is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit and is a qualifying organization for the Arizona State Charitable Tax Credit.

Receive tax credit for donations up to $841! 


Donate with Paypal or Credit/Debit


Donate Monthly with Paypal


Donate Monthly with an Auto-bank payment.

Many of our donors choose to use their bank’s automatic bill-paying service to send us monthly contributions directly from a checking or savings account. This method of supporting our clinic does not incur the added cost of PayPal fees to our organization. Please inquire at your financial institution to set up recurring payments to PACH.

If you choose to send us a recurring or one-time donation, please make your checks payable to:

2902 W Clarendon Ave
Phoenix Az, 85017.


Donate with Venmo


Donate with Ca$h App


Donate with Zelle 

Open Zelle on your bank app → Click “Add Zelle Recipient” → Scan the QR code below